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Strength and Health Assessment

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your best next steps.

How Much Life Are You Missing Out On Because You're Feeling Heavy And Tired?

Most middle aged women struggle with weight gain and fatigue. When you can't get a grip on your weight you will forever:

  • Worry about your health and your future

  • Avoid having your photo taken

  • Have no clothes that you can wear and feel good in

  • Bail out of play with the grandkids

  • Feel shy with your partner and keep them at bay

  • Be self conscious among people

How You Can Start Right Away:

How Much Life Are You Missing Out On Because You're Feeling Heavy And Tired?

Most Middle Aged Women Struggle With Weight Gain And Fatigue. When You Can't Get A Grip On Your Weight You Will Forever

  • Worry about your health

  • Feel shy with your partner

  • Have no clothes that fit

  • Avoid having your photo taken

  • Bail out of play with your grandkids

  • Be self conscious among people

We want to take full part in life in middle age and be lean and confident without feeling tired and heavy all the time. But most women don’t know how to drop weight and keep it off. Instead, they go on one harsh diet after another only to gain back more weight than they lost. When the answer to all of your problems is the power in you: your muscles. Hop on a call with me and discover how to reactivate them and drop fat and tone up in the most minimalistic way possible.

Find Out Where Your Muscle Capital Is At With A Free Diagnostic Call With Kim:

We want to take full part in life in middle age and be lean and confident without feeling tired and heavy all the time.

But most women don’t know how to drop weight and keep it off. Because they go on one harsh diet after another only to gain back more weight than they lost.

Why does that happen?

Here are the reasons:

Diet attempts are destructive and restrictive - your brain will always strike back with a vengeance once you come off it

Diets are a temporary solution - they don't help you adopt a lifestyle that's easy and pleasant for you but make you crave more food freedom from day one

Diets leave you without the energy that you actually need to get moving and burn off the fat

Diets destroy your most important capital: your muscle mass. Every time you lose more, you'll find it harder to keep the weight off

  • Diet attempts are destructive and restrictive - your brain will always strike back with a vengeance once you come off it

  • Diets are a temporary solution - they don't help you adopt a lifestyle that's easy and pleasant for you but make you crave more food freedom from day one

  • Diets leave you without the energy that you actually need to get moving and burn off the fat

  • Diets destroy your most important capital: your muscle mass. Every time you lose more, you'll find it harder to keep the weight off

How does Fabulous in 15 solve those problems? Is it even possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?

Yes, it is.

How do we do that?

We create your weight loss plan in a spirit of building and nourishing. Instead of cutting out food groups, we find the foods that energise and empower you.

Instead of starving, you'll be full and satisfied with every meal thanks to an eating blueprint that you will love and enjoy.

We reconnect your brain and your muscles so you can activate and rebuild them without getting injured.

That way we make sure your metabolism keeps revving and your energy levels go through the roof.

With more energy you can be more physically active and less prone to craving foods in search of a pick-me-up.

And You Can Achieve All That By Dedicating 15 Minutes Per Day To Your New Body

Could this be for you? Find out here:

What if you're already exercising but not getting results?

Here's the thing: most of the exercise programs out there are not made for women our age.

If you have been sedentary for years, if you have always done a lot of cardio or you have high mileage joints - the follow-along from YouTube will rather get you hurt than get you lean.

To start strength training later in your life, you need to follow certain steps to make sure your body can adapt.

That's what we do in Fabulous In 15:

Drop 15lbs over the next 3 months and keep your new body lean and strong on autopilot

Start Dropping Fat Fast

When you start reactivating your muscle mass, you'll see the weight drop really fast - boosted by a personal eating blueprint that's based on the foods you love and tolerate well. You'll get toned and slim without going hungry ever.

Boost Your Energy

Imagine waking up every morning brimming with boundless energy. Using a super short and effective muscle reactivation protocol that I will design to your abilities, you'll feel strong and energetic within just a few days.

Master Your Mind

We'll work the muscle between your ears: Stick to the plan with powerful mindset tools and become the master of your journey - no falling off the wagon because life got in the way. 24/7 support helps you reach your goal fast.

What To Do Next


To get you started and make things easy for you, I have quick health and strength assessment that will help find out where you are at. So you can take steps that are right for you. No more generic advice.


Every woman is unique and has her individual challenges - that's probably why generic diet plans and exercise programs have failed you in the past. Get your personal action plan during your free consultation with me.


Step 3: Get lean and strong

With your new action plan, start getting results right away from ticking the boxes of your action plan. You'll be dropping weight fast and feeling your energy surge with 15 minutes per day. It really does work that will

Weight Loss Programs Are A Dime A Dozen.

How Do I Know That This Will Be Different?

I know that you're dreaming of a life where you wake up well rested and energetic, ready to throw on any piece of your wardrobe and look great and be confident and relaxed when you're around other people.

To live that kind of life, you need a simple way of exercising and eating that fits into your daily schedule and gives you tangible results quickly.

You need an easy meal blueprint that you can apply anywhere - even when you're eating out or on a vacation.

The problem with conventional diets is that they make you put your life on hold for a limited amount of time when you eat close to nothing and spend hours doing cardio - only to fall back into old habits and gain the weight back as soon as you stop. (And you're impatient to stop because these diets are so unsustainable.)

Which will make you feel like you are incapable of losing weight because you are undisciplined or maybe there's something wrong with your body - and sooner or later you feel stuck and hopeless.

I understand that you have spent most of your life taking care of everyone and everything around you. You're the rock that helps make your partner, kids, parents and friends happy and safe. You put everyone else first so often that you might actually have forgotten what you need for yourself.

That's why I believe that you deserve a life where you feel light, happy and confident. Your health and happiness is the backbone of your world and everyone around you. So your weight loss should be so simple and painless that you can do it alongside your busy life.

Reversing menopause weight gain can be daunting. The information that's out there is confusing and sometimes contradictory. And all the latest supplements that sound like they can do magic can end up leaving you with nothing but a hole in your pocket.

Which is why I've spent the last seven years discovering what works best. It's simpler than you think: it's all about reactivating your muscle mass. With a personalised eating and training system that you can use anytime, anywhere and forever. And that's been proven to work - with just 15 minutes a day.

Here's what to do next.

First, take the health and strength assessment.

You'll have clarity on where you're at with your health and fitness and the next best steps to take.

If you feel you need help with that, talk to me and we'll figure out if and how I can help you.

But regardless of whether or not we end up working together, our conversation will definitely help you.

So start now by finding out how your health and strength are doing.

Sandy, 74

"My muscles were so atrophied I couldn't get up off a floor; I couldn't step down or up a curb without holding on to my other half...Now with the exercises you have given me, I can do that pretty easily...This idea you gave me that we need to reconnect the brain with the muscles so they can work, it's just brilliant!"

Beth, 62

"I love Kim's Clean Slate 24/7 that kept me from spiralling after a bad day or a bad night and gave me the courage to keep going. Whatever doubts I had about me being able to follow the program were resolved during the first week."

Yvonne, 69

"And if you've ever felt that you're a bit lost or you don't know what to do to improve, your mindset, your nutrition, your lifestyle or your focus, then you need to do this. You need to invest in someone who is caring about you all the time. Not just in one way, but in so many different ways, Kim, which I think you absolutely do for us. A life changing experience for me."


"It's about feeling strong and looking in the mirror and liking what I'm seeing rather than feeling uncomfortable with what I'm seeing; because I was deeply depressed with what I was seeing....The type of training you are doing, tailoring it to specific needs is a massive game changer. Massive."

Hazel, 70

"I have experienced much more strength and comfort. There were times when I started when I couldn't even get out of bed and had to use a walking stick. My back was really painful. Very quickly, some exercises that you suggested seemed to relax my back and I attained more mobility...It's definitely a life changing experience."

Heather, 64

"I can feel the strength coming back already, even though we've only been working together a few weeks and I really love it, and I feel like I walk different. I've got more poise. I've just got more strength. I feel more surefooted. It's just delightful."

Jo, 52

"I was struggling with excess weight around the mid section and tried so many things but couldn't shift it...It was very simple techniques that worked...I feel so much better about myself, I can fit into the clothes that I've got in my wardrobe and it's just me given that extra bit of confidence."

Are You Ready For A Life Changing Experience?

Let's have a conversation and find out where you're at.

Do you want results like this?

Let's have a conversation and find out where you're at.

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